Being on time for your massage, is key to the result you will feel. If you’re late, your therapist will have to make choices, to finish on time. Your massage is important and compromise is not worth it……
If you were late to see ‘Star Wars – A New Hope’ (1977) at the theatre, you would leave thinking the story was set in the future. You wouldn’t know it was set “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”.
Missing the start of ‘Saving Private Ryan’ (1988), you would think you witnessed a series of small skirmishes. Scale of sacrifice and significance of Mrs Ryan’s boy, would be lost in the anarchy.
“Where’s Maria? How do we solve a problem like Maria?” – ‘The Sound of Music’ (1965), If only a restless heart, could overcome the tyranny of a clock.
Requiring your therapist to compromise on your treatment, can be problematic for your specific conditions……
Ridley Scott’s ‘Blade Runner’ (1982) was cut up by the studio, with the best of intentions. The result, no Oscars for Blade Runner!!! A 1992 Director’s cut made good, too late for the ‘Academy’.
‘Once Upon A Time In America’ (1984), Sergio Leone’s ten year project, flopped because of editing. Leone’s version was released posthumously and acclaimed ‘the greatest crime movie of all time’. Editing is problematic.
It is your time. It is all about you.