Why does Bigfoot Massage not use singing bowls, yet they are pictured (14/09/16) on this Blog?....
We don't use singing bowls because sound therapy is not our specialty.
We like singing bowls because they point to Bodywork's long heritage. Singing bowls also hint at the holistic nature of good health, the power of the mind and of choices we make.
A study into the efficacy of singing bowls, found no difference in pain relief, between singing bowls and placebo. The study did find both placebo and singing bowls, had significant positive effect, when compared to untreated control groups [1].
There is science to validate sound therapy, if you have the time ... why else would music be so good. Sound therapy is the reasoning for music at Bigfoot.
If you are interested in singing bowls and want to look further, there are options in Perth, for you to explore [2].
You can replicate the sound of a singing bowl, by running your finger around the top of a wine glass. Do wine glasses sound better when half full?
1 Wepner, Florian; Hahne, Julia; Teichmann, Angelika; Berka-Schmid, Gertraud; Hordinger, Annette; Friedrich, Martin (2008). "Quarzklangschalentherapie bei Wirbelsaulenbeschwerden und chronobiologische Vorgange - eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie" [Treatment with crystal singing bowls for chronic spinal pain and chronobiologic activities - a randomized controlled trial]. Forschende Komplementarmedizin (in German). 15 (3): 130-7. doi:10.1159/000136571
2 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/d/australia--perth--4807/health--events/gong